miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

No hay palabras...

This is weird.
It's been what...? Sixish years since I've had anything akin to a blog...not since the glorious days of xanga...! Who remembers that nowadays? I guess I should resign myself to the fact that I'm going to be rambling a lot these first few days as I stumble around trying to re-encounter my voice. I feel like I haven't really written in years...
Okay...so for whoever is reading this and cares to know...I'm starting this blog as a class assignment. I'm studying abroad in (!) Mexico (!) this semester and as part of a service-learning course, I have to keep some kind of journal about my experiences, thoughts, etc. Anywhos...so here I am about to embark on what I hope will be a an enlightening experience. So far Mexico is beautiful of course y no hay palabras para explicarlo.
Well now I'm tired...buenas noches!

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